Sanborn-Pekin Library Programs
Programs for Children, Tweens and Teens, Adults

Adult Programming
Adult activities and programs are held periodically held at the library. These include game nights, book discussions and Summer Reading promotions.
Help With Technology
We understand that individuals may have issues with technology, and we conduct one on one technology training to help others learn how to use smartphones, eReaders, computers, and other electronic devices.

Childrens Programing
Programs for children, tweens and teens are available throughout the year. We have weekly Lego Club, monthly Bags of Fun and periodic craft programs.
Lego Club
Our Lego Club runs every Thursday from 2:00-6:30pm. Drop in anytime during the club to build. Legos and Lego Duplos will be provided. Creations will be displayed until the next club meeting. All ages are welcome. Children 13 and younger must be accompanied by their parent or guardian.

Summer Reading
The 2024 Summer Reading Program, Adventure Begins at Your Library runs from June 24 to August 9. Join us for seven weeks of Adventure Bags of Fun for children to age 9, and Adventure Packs for Tweens & Teens 10 years and up. Weekly Adventure Activities will feature drop-in and sign-up options. Watch the top announcement bar for upcoming activities. We are excited to see how big our flamingos flock grow! A pink plastic flamingo will be placed in the library’s front yard representing each child’s participation.
Everyone is invited to the Summer Kick-Off Picnic June 27, 2024 12-1:30pm. Enjoy Hot Dogs, Chips & Cupcakes! Register for programs! Munch some popcorn! Make a craft! Visit the Petting Zoo!